Create original stories at the annual Sum'shathut (Sun) Festival!
Sum’shathut (Sun) Festival
Curated by Tsatassaya White
The Sum’shathut Festival is an Indigenous cultural festival celebrating winter solstice with song, dance, and food. Everyone is welcome to join us for traditional songs, contemporary voices, and a Trading Post Marketplace.
•Opening by Elder Lolly Good
•Performances by artists such as: DJ DBL-G, Hishuk’ish Tsawalk, Ecko Aleck-Sacred Matriarch
•hw’I’ttsus lhqel’ts: Jealous Moon, a play written by Chris Alphonse entirely in the hul’q’umi’num’ language by xe’ xe’ Productions,
•Cedar/Wool Weaving Demonstration by Chenoa Point and Stephanie Thomas.
•Mumun’lh (Childrens) Sunshine play area with storytelling by Ty Wilson and arts and crafts with Nanaimo Art Gallery
•Trading Post Market
Purchase tickets here.